Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek Inc

FOLKC Supporters and Contributors


Melbourne Water, Hobsons Bay City Council, Department of Environment and Primary Industry and especially Toyota Australia and Millers Inn have been the major contributors to the development of the Kororoit Creek since the incorporation of FOLKC in 2001.

All of the industries, businesses, Local Governments, Government Agencies and community organisations listed below, that have supported FOLKC over the past decade plus, are part of the strength of FOLKC and we highly recommend them to interested parties as good corporate citizens and worthy of support.

Thank you to each and everyone, we are very grateful for your magnificent support.

Hello FOLKC!

Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek (FOLKC) was incorporated in April 2001 and held its first planting on 3rd June 2001. Since then there have been countless planting days and other working bees with more than 1,000 volunteers of all ages, planting in excess of 50,000 trees, shrubs and under-storey plants along the creek ... [See the "About & Contacts" page for more]

Events Calendar

July 2024

Previous Egret Logo
Clean Up Australia Day
Doherty Site - After planting
Creek and Local Industry together
Much Mulch
Below Bocce - Before planting

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© 2024 Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek (ABN:79 441 591 104)