Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek Inc

Statement of Purpose

A: Purposes Directed to the Friends.

1. To provide a means for community education about the conservation assets of Lower Kororoit Creek.
2. To create interest and awareness in the community about the ecology of the Lower Kororoit Creek.
3. To disseminate information to the community about Lower Kororoit Creek to inform the community, create better levels of awareness and promote the Creek's protection, restoration and better management.
4. To seek agency, government and other assistance for the administration and conduct of the Friends and the achievement of their goals.
5. To seek the introduction of, and actively work in partnership with, programs directed to assisting community involvement and education regarding the Lower Kororoit Creek, particularly those which seek to work closely with the Friends
6. To promote the Friends group within the community.
7. To promote contact with other Friends groups in the region to share information and knowledge and plan regional initiatives where they are shared objectives.
8. To be a social outlet for people to enjoy themselves.

B: Purpose Directed to the Care and Management of the Lower Kororoit Creek and its Flora and Fauna.

9. To promote and seek excellence in all aspects of the land and waterway management of Lower Kororoit Creek.
10. To preserve and re-establish indigenous plant species and favourable habitats for native fauna through the length of Lower Kororoit Creek.
11. To conserve rare, endangered and vulnerable plant and animal communities.
12. To enhance the local environment by re-vegetation and rehabilitation of the Lower Kororoit Creek, its parkland and environs.
13. To pursue the objective of improved water quality for the Lower Kororoit Creek.

C: Purposes Directed to Working with Others, especially Management Agencies.

14. To liaise and seek to work in partnership with government and other agencies involved in the management or other activities effecting the Lower Kororoit Creek through the encouragement of power-sharing.
15. To participate in the work of management bodies and to generally seek access to significant decision-making forums and processes regarding the management and development of the Lower Kororoit Creek.
16. To seek access to information and data relating to the management and development of the Lower Kororoit Creek.
17. To seek the adoption and implementation of the Lower Kororoit Creek Concept Plan(s) by the responsible planning authorities and other mechanisms which ensure the environmental protection of the Creek.

D: Other Purposes.

18. To minimise the negative impact on the neighbourhood of any public misuse of the Lower Kororoit Creek.
19. To promote local employment opportunities in the works associated with the Lower Kororoit Creek re-vegetation and management.
20. To gain financial support for the pursuit of these objectives.

Hello FOLKC!

Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek (FOLKC) was incorporated in April 2001 and held its first planting on 3rd June 2001. Since then there have been countless planting days and other working bees with more than 1,000 volunteers of all ages, planting in excess of 50,000 trees, shrubs and under-storey plants along the creek ... [See the "About & Contacts" page for more]

Events Calendar

February 2025

Previous Egret Logo
Clean Up Australia Day
Doherty Site - After planting
Creek and Local Industry together
Much Mulch
Below Bocce - Before planting

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© 2025 Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek (ABN:79 441 591 104)