Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek Inc

Brooklyn Bridge

Heritage Brooklyn Bluestone Bridge Rejuvination Project

Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek is excited to have received an $86k West Gate Neighbourhood Fund Grant to rejuvenate and light the 1880’s heritage-listed unique blue stone bridge that served for many years as the crossing over the Kororoit Creek on the main road link to Geelong. The funding will help us to clean up the graffiti on this wonderful old bridge and solar light the bridge abutments and the shared trail as it passes over it. New signage will welcome visitors to Hobsons Bay and the wonderful Kororoit Creek environmental corridor and the community will get a look at latest edition of Geoffrey Ricardo’s ‘Sprits of Time’ artwork.

Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek is excited to have received an $86k West Gate Neighbourhood Fund Grant to rejuvenate and light the 1880’s heritage-listed unique blue stone bridge that served for many years as the crossing over the Kororoit Creek on the main road link to Geelong.

The funding will help us to clean up the graffiti on this wonderful old bridge and solar light the bridge abutments and the shared trail as it passes over it. New signage will welcome visitors to Hobsons Bay and the wonderful Kororoit Creek environmental corridor and the community will get a look at latest edition of Geoffrey Ricardo’s ‘Sprits of Time’ artwork.  

Early in 2024, a community celebration and planting event is to be held along this section of the Creek so watch this space.

The West Gate Neighbourhood Fund is a Victorian Government initiative that is helping not[1]for-profit organisations in Melbourne’s inner west to support their communities while the West Gate Tunnel Project is being built. You can read more about the fund here ([1]tunnel-project/community/west-gate-neighbourhood-fund/grants/grants-round-2-successful[1]applicants).


Hello FOLKC!

Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek (FOLKC) was incorporated in April 2001 and held its first planting on 3rd June 2001. Since then there have been countless planting days and other working bees with more than 1,000 volunteers of all ages, planting in excess of 50,000 trees, shrubs and under-storey plants along the creek ... [See the "About & Contacts" page for more]

Events Calendar

July 2024

Previous Egret Logo
Clean Up Australia Day
Doherty Site - After planting
Creek and Local Industry together
Much Mulch
Below Bocce - Before planting

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© 2024 Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek (ABN:79 441 591 104)