Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek Inc

Fantastic News: FOLKC's DREAM NOW LOOKS TO BECOME A REALITY -State Government - Contributes to new Shared Trail-Kororoit Creek

It was announced today that the State Government will contribute $650,000 towards the completion of of the Shared Trail in Kororoit Creek. This contribution together with the previously announced funding by Toyota should see the completion of Stages 1, 2 & 3 hopefully by July next year (NTD 2017). Thanks to Toyota and their fantastic initiative of contributing to the trail network and their enthusiastic support of FOLKC over the past 14 years.

Now all we need is for the Federal Government to kick in the necessary funding for the last two stages linking Barnes Rd to Cheery Lake.
HBCC have applied for the funding and hopefully this announcement by the State Government will stimulate action to complete our long awaited connection of Hobsons Bay into the Metropolitan Trail Network. (Unfortunatly the recent annoucement of a Federal Election may put a hold on this long awaited decision).
Congratulations to all people who have shared FOLKC's DREAM' and contributed to this project over the last 16 years.

Hello FOLKC!

Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek (FOLKC) was incorporated in April 2001 and held its first planting on 3rd June 2001. Since then there have been countless planting days and other working bees with more than 1,000 volunteers of all ages, planting in excess of 50,000 trees, shrubs and under-storey plants along the creek ... [See the "About & Contacts" page for more]

Events Calendar

April 2024

Previous Egret Logo
Clean Up Australia Day
Doherty Site - After planting
Creek and Local Industry together
Much Mulch
Below Bocce - Before planting

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© 2024 Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek (ABN:79 441 591 104)